Apply for Grants

Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape Mini-Grant Application

Please complete the application (including attaching the Budget Form and any Partner Letters of Support) to be considered for a Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape (KRCL) Mini-Grant. You may save your incomplete application and return within 30 days to complete submission. An email confirmation will be emailed to you after your application has been successfully submitted. If you have questions about this application or the KRCL Mini-Grant Program, please contact Kristen Hand.

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
  • Applicant Information

  • For Non-Profits

  • Is the applicant registered as a 501(c)(3) with the Internal Revenue Service?*
  • Is the applicant registered as a charitable organization with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations?*
  • Project Summary

  • 0 of 500 max characters
  • Projects and their areas of impact must be located within the KRCL Corridor. Choose the option that best describes where your project will occur.*
  • Which KRCL strategic goals does your project support? Select all that apply.*
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Project Details

  • Describe the challenges and needs your project will address.*
    0 of 4000 max characters
  • Describe how your project supports the KRCL strategic goals.
    0 of 2000 max characters
  • Describe how your project is consistent with and supports any local, county, and/or state plans (i.e. greenway and open space plans, comprehensive plans, rivers conservation plans).*
    0 of 2000 max characters
  • Partners

  • List all partners who will be actively involved with your project. (For example, partners may provide project assistance, funding, or in-kind services.)
  • Upload a Letter of Support from each partner documenting their contribution to your project.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Project Timeline

    • List all major project activities and their timeline for completion.*
      Project ActivityDate for Completion 
    • Deliverables

    • List any specific products that will be delivered for this project (i.e. research studies, promotional or educational materials, conservation or stewardship plans).
    • Project Budget

      Download the Budget Form below, follow the instructions, and upload the completed form with your application submission. Only budgets submitted on this form will be accepted for application. If you need help completing the Budget Form, please contact Kristen Hand. Download Budget Form
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 50 MB.