Hershey Gardens Conservatory

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Events at this venue

The Susquehannocks: Land, Identity, and Regional History

Hershey Gardens Conservatory 170 Hotel Road, Hershey, PA, United States

The Susquehannocks built the largest Indigenous settlements in this region.  They cleared land and farmed on a large scale, aided by excellent local growing conditions and the Susquehanna River as a transportation …Read More

Plants Rule! Harvesting the Sun for Climate Solutions

Hershey Gardens Conservatory 170 Hotel Road, Hershey, PA, United States

Biological processes are important in reaching a carbon-negative future that reduces greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Penn State University's Dr. Tom Richard will help us understand the amazing ability of living plants …Read More

Climate Change and Penn’s Woods: What Does the Future Hold?

Hershey Gardens Conservatory 170 Hotel Road, Hershey, PA, United States

Manada Conservancy, in partnership with the Hershey Gardens, will host a free educational program about climate change. As the climate changes, plants and animals have three options: adapt, move, or die. This …Read More