“I’ve lived in Carbon County since second grade and have a deep passion for outdoor recreation.
As a child, I went on many adventures with my family, usually “roughing it” in the back of an old
Toyota pickup truck somewhere between Maine and Mexico. In my teens and 20s, I would work
hard to save up my money, and then travel to a new destination every year. I’ve climbed, biked,
fished, and paddled all over this beautiful country, visiting most of the major national parks and
hundreds of state parks. These adventures have helped me appreciate the incredible beauty and
natural resources of Carbon County. Nowadays, I spend my time and money adventuring locally.
Instead of taking one big expensive trip per year, I stay local, and adventure on the weekends
or after work. With mountains, rivers, and forests like these in our backyards, we should all be
spending more of our time and money locally, here in Carbon County!”