The Kittatinny Coalition is pleased to announce a new partnership with Trout Unlimited!
Trout Unlimited will assist the Coalition with two projects through December 2017. The first is landscape-level planning to identify natural and recreational resources most at risk from landscape-scale development, such as energy infrastructure, and ways to avoid or minimize impacts to these resources. Project results will be distilled into educational and outreach materials for distribution to local communities, watershed groups, and industry.
Trout Unlimited also will educate local communities watershed groups about streams within their area that qualify for special designations. Staff will assess 30 streams in the Delaware River watershed to determine presence/absence of naturally reproducing trout populations; map streams that have been recently surveyed and found to support wild trout present, but have yet to be listed; and educate local groups regarding wild trout stream listings and stream upgrades.
![shawn electrofishing[4]](https://kittatinnyridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/shawn-electrofishing4.jpg)
Trout Unlimited: Shawn Rummel, srummel@tu.org or Dave Kinney, dkinney@tu.org
Kittatinny Coalition: Jeanne Ortiz, jortiz@audubon.org