Apply for KRCL Mini-Grants

One Voice.
One Goal.
Protect the Ridge.

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Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape Mini-Grant Program

The Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape (KRCL) Mini-Grant Program helps partners protect this globally important and locally cherished ridgeline by offering funding for projects through an annual grant cycle. Grants up to $10,000 are awarded to support projects that help advance the KRCL’s strategic goals, including: protecting land to advance wildlife and water conservation (non-acquisition work); building identity and ownership in the KRCL as a valued natural asset; municipal outreach and adoption of local programs and policies; and scientific research.

2024–2025 Mini-Grant Program Schedule

Opens:  November 18th
Closes:  December 16th
Grants Announced:  January 6th


Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status 501(c)(3), municipalities, and educational institutions. Non-profit organizations must submit proof of non-profit status and be registered with the PA Department of State Bureau of Charitable Organizations. Current DCNR Partnerships Program grant recipients are discouraged from applying for or receiving KRCL Mini-Grants. 

All application projects must support the KRCL’s strategic goals, and projects and their impacts must be located within the KRCL. Grants will not be awarded for expenses related to: recurring maintenance or monitoring; maintenance of existing structure or construction or rehabilitation of structures that are not directly related to preservation or restoration of natural resources; permanent staff salaries; property easement or acquisition activities.

Match Requirements

Grant awards require a 1:1 local match in the form of cash and/or eligible non-cash (in-kind) services. No portion of the cash match can originate from DCNR funding, including but not limited to: Community Parks and Recreation Grants, Land Acquisition Grants, Partnership Grants, Trail Grants, and Rivers Conservation and Riparian Buffer Grants. The value of in-kind municipal labor and/or professional services is equal to the hourly billable rate multiplied by the number of hours worked. The value of in-kind volunteer labor is valued at the current Independent Sector Volunteer Rate at the time the work was performed ($27.20/hr as of July 2020). Applicants must provide proof of match commitment.

Application Review Process

Applications will be ranked by KRCL Mini-Grant Program committee members. The review committee reserves the right to request additional proposal information. Applicants will be ranked based on how well the project:

  • Supports and advances the goals and objectives of the KRCL.
  • Follows a reasonable timeline.
  • Promotes partner collaboration.
  • Identifies and secures required match.
  • Develops a realistic budget.
  • Demonstrates measurable outcomes to ensure success.


The KRCL and this Mini-Grant Program are supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) through DCNR’s Environmental Stewardship Fund administered by the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. The DCNR grant is administered by the KRCL through Audubon Mid-Atlantic. All application projects and project-related costs and funding must conform to the guidelines outlined in the PA DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Program.

Additional Funding Opportunities

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources emails a bi-weekly list of funding and training opportunities. To get on the list for this information, please email Christine Dettore, Regional Advisor, DCNR.

To further support the achievement of Pennsylvania’s outdoor recreation vision,  the Trust for Public Land’s 10-Minute Walk program has undertaken research for DCNR to explore public funding options to preserve Pennsylvania’s land, water, and natural character, to develop parks for current and future residents, or meet closely related county needs. This report is not intended to be encyclopedic, but rather to outline a wide range of available funding tools.


Kristen Hand
Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape, DCNR Internal Lead
Phone: 717.702.2046
Cell: 717.599.9053


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