On Tuesday, May 7th, 2019, the Moore Township Supervisors unanimously approved
revisions to its official map, which has been updated to include a delineation of the Appalachian Trail
(A.T.), its scenic vistas, and access points to the A.T. and other trails. The new map also highlights
important environmental features in the area, including steep slopes, riparian buffers, floodplains, and
sensitive plant and animal habitats. Keystone Consulting Engineers performed the map revisions
through a mini-grant provided by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC). The A.T. traverses Moore
Township for 6.5 miles and is part of the Kittatinny Ridge, a key migratory flyway and Global Important
Bird Area for tens of thousands of birds of prey annually.
The update to the Township map will help ensure the preservation to this vital wildlife habitat. This effort is made possible by a mini-grant program that helps local municipalities preserve and promote
community character, sense of place and local natural and cultural assets within the A.T. Landscape in
Pennsylvania. Any township or borough abutting the A.T. and wanting to learn more about the mini-grant grant program is encouraged to contact Brooks Mountcastle at 717-258-5771 or
bmountcastle@appalachiantrail.org. Non-profit organizations that want to work with a municipality on the mini-grant program are also encouraged to apply.
Funds for the ATC Conservation Assistance Mini-Grant Program come from the National Park Service’s
A.T. Park Office and are provided to the ATC through a cooperative agreement.
About the Appalachian Trail Conservancy
The ATC was founded in 1925 by volunteers and federal officials working to build a continuous footpath along the Appalachian Mountains. A unit of the National Park System, the A.T. ranges from Maine to Georgia and is approximately 2,190 miles in length. It is the longest hiking-only footpath in the world. The mission of the ATC is to preserve and manage the Appalachian Trail – ensuring that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come. For more information, please visit www.appalachiantrail.org.
About Moore Township
Moore Township is a large, rural community containing 38 square miles in north-central Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The Township surrounds the small Borough of Chapman Quarries. Two larger boroughs, Bath and Nazareth, are located to the south and southeast. For more information, please visit www.mooretownship.org